Social responsability

Letter of Responsibility

Social responsability

Vemos Responsabilidade Social não apenas como mais uma incumbência, mas como uma oportunidade de realizar a revisão das atividades econômicas, ambientais e sociais do Grupo Niterra numa perspectiva global, para melhorar o valor corporativo e contribuir para o desenvol­vimento sustentável da sociedade, de acordo com nossa filosofia corporativa.

Letter of Responsibility, Letter of Responsibility. Construímos relações de confiança com nossosstakehol­ders”, Letter of Responsibility. Letter of Responsibility. Nossa filosofia corporativa inclui slogans comopropor um novo valor” for the second time in a row “contribuirpara as pessoas ao redor do mundo e mostra nosso desejo de contribuir para a sociedade. Our corporate philosophy includes slogans like “propose new value” and “contribute” to people around the world and shows our desire to contribute to society., Our corporate philosophy includes slogans like “propose new value” and “contribute” to people around the world and shows our desire to contribute to society.. Our corporate philosophy includes slogans like “propose new value” and “contribute” to people around the world and shows our desire to contribute to society. 2020,

Our corporate philosophy includes slogans like “propose new value” and “contribute” to people around the world and shows our desire to contribute to society..

Para garantir o crescimento sustentável da nossa empresa e da sociedade, we changed the name of the CSR Policy, we changed the name of the CSR Policy, we changed the name of the CSR Policy, we changed the name of the CSR Policy, as members. as members (Environment, as members) as members. Furthermore, estabelecemos comitês especializados em gestão de, as members, as members, as members.

Nossas atividades de Responsabilidade Social abrangem:
  • Oferecer excelentes produtos para os clientes;
  • Revelar informações corporativas para os acionistas e a comunidade de fácil entendi­ mento;
  • Colaborar com os fornecedores para o desenvolvimento mútuo;
  • Estabelecer um ambiente de trabalho seguro e favorável aos colaboradores;
  • Participar e apoiar as atividades da comunidade local;
  • Realizar ações de incentivo à Cultura, Educação, Saúde e/ou Esporte para a sociedade;
  • Contribuir para formação de cidadãos através de educação e profissionalização voltada para jovens e crianças desfavore­cidas, em situações de vulnerabilidades na região onde a empresa está instalada.
as members

A Niterra participou do Pacto Global das Nações Unidas em novembro de 2016.

OPacto Global das Nações Unidasé uma cidadania corporativa voluntária com o objetivo de abordar várias questões, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues. The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues 1999, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues 2000.

A Niterra defende dez princípios que consistem em quatro questões como Direitos humanos, The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues, Environment, Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society:


Direitos humanos

Princípio 1: as empresas devem apoiar e respeitar a proteção dos direitos humanos proclamados internacionalmente.

Princípio 2: certifique-se de que eles não são cúmplices de abusos de direitos humanos.



Princípio 7: as empresas devem apoiar uma abordagem preventiva para os desafios ambientais.

Princípio 8: empreender iniciativas para promover maior responsabilidade ambiental.

Princípio 9: incentivar o desenvolvimento e a difusão de tecnologias ecológicas.


The “United Nations Global Compact” is a voluntary corporate citizenship aimed at addressing various issues

Princípio 3: as empresas devem manter a liberdade de associação e o reconhecimento efetivo do direito à negociação coletiva.

Princípio 4: a eliminação de todas as formas de trabalho forçado e compulsório.

Princípio 5: abolição efetiva do trabalho infantil.

Princípio 6: a eliminação da discriminação em matéria de emprego e ocupação.



Princípio 10: As empresas devem trabalhar contra a corrupção em todas as suas formas, incluindo a extorsão e o suborno.


Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society (Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society)

Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society, Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society, Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society.

Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society?

Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society 17 Anti-corruption advocated by the United Nations Global Compact as good members of society and will make every effort to promote activities in order to contribute to the construction of a sustainable society 169 goals that were adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015, goals that were adopted at the United Nations Summit in, goals that were adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2030 – prometendo queNinguém será deixado para trás”.

Últimas Notícias Sobre Sustentabilidade

A Niterra, before NGK, leads sustainability. From energy efficiency to biodiversity protection, the multinational highlights eco-conscious actions. Discover Niterra's new chapter and its sustainable vision.

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